July 2024 Member Update

We continue to advocate for a new, diverse workgroup to make recommendations for updating 201 KAR 9:270, regulations for prescribing buprenorphine/naloxone.  We do not feel that the process utilized by KBML was open and inclusive. The proposed regulations have very few changes, and in some cases, for example the requirement for urine testing, they are even more strict than before. (To view the proposed changes, click here.)This does not incentivize physicians to prescribe suboxone. Our petition has 340 signatures. Dr. Murphy has written a resolution which we will be heard at the KMA annual meeting. If you are a KMA member, we strongly encourage you to attend the annual meeting and speak in favor of the resolution. The Greater Louisville Medical Society (GLMS) is supporting it. The resolution can be viewed at https://kyma.org/2024-kma-resolutions/.

ASAM is supporting our request. We have sent another letter to KBML which was co-signed by our ASAM President, Brian Hurley, MD, MBA, FAPA, DFASAM. See the letter here. KYSAM/ASAMletter