Membership is open to all physicians in the state of Kentucky who have an interest in the treatment and prevention of addiction. Medical students, residents, and fellows who are in an approved medical school, residency, or addiction medicine or psychiatry fellowship program in the state of Kentucky are also invited to join. Associate member status is open to those who teach, conduct research, or provide clinical care for individuals who are at risk for or are suffering from a substance use disorder. Membership in the national organization, American Society of Addiction Medicine, is a requirement. Dues for the state organization are in addition to ASAM membership dues.

There are many benefits to membership in ASAM and KYSAM. KYSAM has a voice at the table when political decisions are made at the state level affecting the practice of addiction medicine and access to treatment. KYSAM also has input into the development of national standards of care in the field of addiction medicine. KYSAM provides educational opportunities for members throughout the year. Membership in KYSAM provides a forum for sharing of knowledge between physicians interested in issues related to addiction medicine including clinical treatment strategies and strategies for interfacing with payer organizations and health care systems. Membership also provides a vehicle for increased professionalism and higher quality information about prevention, treatment, and training regarding addiction and substance use disorder.


For more information about membership CLICK HERE